
CPD Events & Courses

Beneficial for Associations, Clubs and Coaches of all levels, a stand-out feature is that all CPD Events and Courses include content delivered on various UEFA Advanced and Pro License Courses in relation to: Planning, Prevention, Conditioning and Rehabilitation.



Fit For Every Game Course

Applicable to coaches working at any level and not just those working with elite players, this online course provides the learner with an in-depth education of each aspect of planning, prevention, conditioning & regeneration. It specifically highlights the importance of having a clear game model, a clear training approach based on logical principles and an understanding of the ever-evolving individual needs of the modern day footballer.

Fit For Every Game Course


  • A deep dive into various training models, how to implement in different environments and pros and cons of each approach.
  • How to plan a complete season effectively to include various cycles, varying training weeks and bespoke training sessions.
  • Type of tests to use to measure player progress, how and when to integrate them around training and games and how to make sense of the results.
  • Assessments that can be carried out quickly and effectively to establish player readiness that will help make informed decisions about player load.
  • Proactive preparation interventions and techniques to prime players for the demands and rigours of the modern game.
  • Simple explanations of the demands of different training modalities and how to piece each component of training together competently.
  • How to recognise individuals in need of special consideration and how to manage them within a team setting.
  • Examination of all the data that is collected and at our disposal and how to make sense of it all.
  • The importance of each nutrient on health and performance and how to prepare the perfect plate in terms of proportion and quantity around training and games.
  • Types of recovery modalities, how to optimise each protocol and understanding that every individual will respond differently to each stimulus.
  • How to develop the 24 hour professional combining every aspect of planning, prevention, conditioning and regeneration.




  • What is Periodisation?
  • Physical & Physiological Demands of the Game
  • Verheijens’ Football Actions
  • Aims & Objectives of a typical training week
  • Implementation

Periodisation Models

  • The Status of Injury Prevalence in Football Worldwide
  • The importance of a Clear Game Model
  • The Importance of a Clear Training Model
  • Principles of the Training Week
  • Periodisation Model 1 : Verheijen’s 'Football Periodisation' Model
  • Periodisation Model 2 : The Traditional ‘British' Periodisation Model
  • Periodisation Model 3 : Frade’s 'Tactical Periodisation' Model
  • Model Pro’s and Con’s

Planning Process

  • The importance of Planning
  • Creating the Environment
  • Preparing the Tools
  • Long Term Planning : The Annual Plan
  • Medium Term Planning : The Cycle Plan
  • Short Term Planning : The Weekly Plan
  • Short Term Planning : The Session Plan
  • Adapting to changes to the schedule


Screening and Testing

  • The What, When, Why & How of Testing
  • Movement Focus: The Athlete Movement Screen
  • Nutrition Focus : Body Composition
  • Speed, Strength, Power Focus : Jump Testing
  • Endurance Focus : The Interval Run Test
  • A Review of most commonly used Test Protocols
  • Developing a Club wide test battery

Readiness to Train

  • The What, When, Why & How of Assessing Player Readiness
  • Medical Readiness Tests
  • Physical Readiness Tests
  • The Team Readiness Profile
  • Tomorrows World : Artificial Intelligence

Preparation to Train

  • The What, When, Why & How of Player Preparation
  • Match Day - 4 Focus : Back & Hip Mobility
  • Match Day - 3 Focus : Explosivity
  • Match Day - 2 Focus : Back & Hip Mobility
  • Match Day - 1 Focus : Fast Actions & Reactions


Team Training

  • Principles of the Training Week
  • Periodisation Model 1 : Verheijen’s 'Football Periodisation' Model
  • Periodisation Model 2 : The Traditional ‘British' Periodisation Model
  • Periodisation Model 3 : Frade’s 'Tactical Periodisation' Model
  • Key Considerations

Individual Training

  • Individuality : Every player will respond in a different way to training and games
  • Managing players with a History of Injuries
  • Managing Older and Younger Players
  • Managing the Explosive Player
  • Managing Players in different positions


  • The What, When, Why & How of Player Monitoring
  • Understanding ‘Load'
  • Heart Rate Monitoring : What to Look for
  • GPS Data : Key Metrics to consider
  • Zone 7 Artificial Intelligence : Making Sense of all the Data



  • The Importance of Nutrition for health and performance
  • What constitutes a ‘Perfect Plate'
  • Understanding the role of each of the key 'food groups'
  • Understanding what type of foods belong to each food group
  • Being Precise : How to calculate energy expenditure
  • Meal Planning : Ensuring every meal includes the right amounts
  • Applying the process in a team environment


  • The Importance of Nutrition for recovery
  • Understanding the basics of different recovery modalities
  • The Power of Sleep
  • The Power of Breathing Strategies
  • Making recovery a Habit

The 24 Hour Professional

  • Guiding the player through the process
  • Understanding what players can do to help themselves
  • Nutrition & Hydration
  • Pre-training Preparation
  • Application to training
  • Post-training recovery